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Føroyar Vælkomin á føroysku Wikipediu!

Takk fyri tíni ískoyti. Eg vóni, at tær dámar Wikipediu og ger av at verða verandi. Her eru nakrar góðar slóðir til nýggjar brúkarar:

Tú hevur IP Fært tú tær egið brúkaranavn, fært tú eitt betri yvirlit yvir síðuna og fært fleiri møguleikar í valmyndini.

iceley 2. des 2014 kl. 19:23 (UTC)[reply]

Don't speak Faroese? Post {{Brúkari fo-0}} on your user page or put it into your babel box.

Nummar tvey is correct[rætta wikitekst]

Please don't pretend to know better Faroese than me, because you don't! You just corrected "nummar tvey" to "tveiði" in the article about Pinocchio. There is no such word in Faroese! You probably think that just because "third" is called "triði" "second" must be called "tveiði", well it does not, it is not that simple, and I am not going to explain it to you, it depends what gender the following word has, so it really is not that simple. But by using "nummar tvey" (number two) one does not have to worry about gender and how to decline it, annar, onnur, annað or something else. EileenSanda (talk) 4. des 2014 kl. 05:59 (UTC)[reply]

Wouldn't second be better? Number two can refer to feces. I think it should say second rather than number two. Which word would you use in the article for second? 4. des 2014 kl. 06:20 (UTC)[reply]

Hetta er ein kjaksíða hjá einum dulnevndum brúkara, sum ikki hevur stovnað eina kontu enn, ella ikki brúkar hana. Tí noyðast vit at brúka nummerisku IP-adressuna hjá honum ella henni. Ein slík IP-adressa kann verða brúkt av fleiri brúkarum. Ert tú ein dulnevndur brúkari, og kennir, at óviðkomandi viðmerkingar eru vendar til tín, so vinarliga stovna eina kontu fyri at sleppa undan samanblanding við aðrar dulnevndar brúkarar í framtíðini.