Wikipedia:Asiatiskur mánaður
Í stuttum: Nýggj grein ið snýr seg um Asia (fólk, støð, mentan osfr.), av høgari góðsku, í minsta lagi 3000 bytes og 300 orð, greinin skal vera upprættað í november 2018 og hon skal ikki vera ein listi.
- Greinin er nýliga upprættað av tær (tað vil siga at tað ikki er talan um at víðka stubbagreinir) millum 1. november á miðnátt til 30. november 2018 klokkan 23:59 (UTC).
- Greinin skal vera í minsta lagi 3000 bytes og hava í minsta lagi 300 orð.
- The article shall fulfill the article notability criteria
- The article must have decent references; doubtful or controversial statements in the article should be verifiable by the citation(s) listed in that article.
- The article is not purely machine translated, and has a decent language style
- There are no issues (no tags) within the article
- The article is not a list
- The article which made to feature list can count. (Option, only applied in those Wikipedia which has Feature list.)
- The article is informative
- The article is about any topic of an Asian Country.
- Articles submitted by an organizer need to be checked by other organizers.
- Notes: In the end, human judge(s) from the local Wikipedia will determine whether an article is accepted or not.
- When you created 4 articles fulfill the rules, you will receive a WAM postcard from one of the Asian communities.
- Wikipedia Asian Ambassador will received a signed Certificate from Asian Affiliates, and an additional postcard. See Q&A for more information.
Melda teg til
Melda teg til og skriva tíni íkøst her. Tú kanst melda teg til nær sum helst. Fyriskiparar/dómarar fara at seta eitt kekk-merki, um so er at greinirnar lúka treytirnar.
Listi yvir luttakarar
International Community
Useful Link
- Pilot page on Meta
- Onsite edit-a-thon
- Q&A
- en:Wikipedia:Requested articles/Biography/By nationality
- en:Portal:Asia