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Module:Storm categories

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This template is used to control a multitude of tropical cyclone-related templates: {{storm colour}}, {{storm name}}, {{storm sortkey}}, and {{storm icon}}. It acts as a centralized location for storm categories to avoid discrepancies between templates, allowing for the same ID to be used across all related templates.

Data is located in the following submodules:


This module exports three functions for templates: p.color, p.name, p.sortkey, and p.icon. It also provides p._color, p._name, p._sortkey, and p._icon for use in other modules.

All input IDs are case-insensitive, and all non-alphanumeric characters are stripped.


Provides the color of the given tropical cyclone category code. This comes in the format of their raw hexadecimal code. This function is available as a template at {{storm colour}}.

Code Output
<span style="padding:4px;border:1px solid black;background-color:#{{#invoke:Storm categories|color|depression}}">depression</span> depression


Provides the name of the given tropical cyclone category code. A optional basin argument can be provided as the second argument in order to slightly tweak the name of the category, if the given category definition supports it. This function is available as a template at {{storm name}}.

Code Interpreted Output
ID Basin
{{#invoke:Storm categories|name|severe}} severe (default) Severe tropical storm
{{#invoke:Storm categories|name|spr - cYcL -s TorM}} sprcyclstorm (default) Super cyclonic storm
{{#invoke:Storm categories|name|cat5}} cat5 (default) Category 5-equivalent tropical cyclone
{{#invoke:Storm categories|name|cat5|WPac}} cat5 wpac Category 5-equivalent super typhoon


The sortkey is a number that aids in sorting categories. Using the sortkey, it is possible to automatically sort a table of tropical cyclones given their category code. Due to the ambiguous nature of sortkeys, tables may be sorted incorrectly if values from other basins were used. For categories that span multiple basins, however, (e.g. depression and storm) they are given the lowest possible sortkeys in order to achieve maximum compatibility.

This sortkey is used in {{storm sortkey}} and {{Tropical cyclone season effects (cyclone)}}, a subtemplate of {{Tropical cyclone season effects}}.

The sortkey format is as follows. Note that not all values between the given ranges were used. The arrangement of these were determined by their positions in the {{Storm colour}} template.

Basin Sortkey range
Global (unused) 90000 to 99999
Atl/EPac/SAtl 80000 to 89999
WPac 60000 to 69999
Nio 50000 to 59999
Aus/Fiji 40000 to 49999
SWio 30000 to 39999
Historical 20000 to 29999
Global 0 to 9999

A demonstration of a sortable table using these sortkeys can be found below. Note that it does not use categories outside of its own basin (in this case, the Atl/EPac/SAtl basin) and the global range.

Category Sortkey Code
cat3 80.030 {{#invoke:Storm categories|sortkey|cat3}}
cat1 80.010 {{#invoke:Storm categories|sortkey|cat1}}
cat5 80.050 {{#invoke:Storm categories|sortkey|cat5}}
cat4 80.040 {{#invoke:Storm categories|sortkey|cat4}}
depression 90 {{#invoke:Storm categories|sortkey|depression}}
cat2 80.020 {{#invoke:Storm categories|sortkey|cat2}}
local categoryData = require("Module:Storm categories/categories")
local colors = require("Module:Storm categories/colors").colors
local icons = require("Module:Storm categories/icons").icons
local cats = categoryData.cats
local defaultCategory = categoryData.defaultCategory
local p = {}

function p.color(frame)
	return p._color(frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1], false)

function p.name(frame)
	return p._name(
		frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1],
		frame.args[2] or frame:getParent().args[2],

function p.sortkey(frame)
	return p._sortkey(frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1], false)

function p.icon(frame)
	return p._icon(frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1], false)

function p._color(colorCode, nullIfMissing)
	-- This looks confusing, but it's actually nested ternaries (for nil checks)
	local color = (colorCode ~= nil and string.len(colorCode) ~= 0) and 
		string.gsub(string.lower(colorCode), "[^%w]", "")
		or defaultCategory
	return colors[color] or ((cats[color] or (
		and { color = nil }
		or cats[defaultCategory]

function p._name(category, basin, nullIfMissing)
	local name_def = (cats[
		(category ~= nil and string.len(category) ~= 0) and 
			string.gsub(string.lower(category), "[^%w]", "")
			or defaultCategory
	] or cats[defaultCategory]).name
	return type(name_def) == "table" and 
			name_def[string.lower(basin or "default")]
			or name_def["default"]
			or (nullIfMissing and nil or error("No default name for basin-based category name."))
		or name_def

function p._sortkey(category, nullIfMissing)
	-- This looks confusing, but it's actually nested ternaries (for nil checks)
	return (cats[
		(category ~= nil and string.len(category) ~= 0) and 
			string.gsub(string.lower(category), "[^%w]", "")
			or defaultCategory
	] or (nullIfMissing and { sortkey = nil } or cats[defaultCategory])).sortkey

function p._icon(iconCode, nullIfMissing)
	-- This looks confusing, but it's actually nested ternaries (for nil checks)
	local icon = (iconCode ~= nil and string.len(iconCode) ~= 0) and 
		string.gsub(string.lower(iconCode), "[^%w]", "")
		or defaultCategory
	return icons[icon] or (cats[icon] ~= nil and (
		cats[icon].icon or cats["tropicalcyclone"].icon
	) or (nullIfMissing and nil or cats[defaultCategory].icon))

function p.demo(frame)
	return require("Module:Storm categories/demo").demo(frame)

return p