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Fyrimynd:Infobox playwright/doc

Frá Wikipedia, hin frælsa alfrøðin
Føðinavn {{{native_name}}}
Fødd(ur) {{{birth_name}}}
Doyði {{{death_date}}}
Hvíldarstaður {{{resting_place}}}
Skaldanavn {{{penname}}}
Starv {{{occupation}}}
Tjóðskapur {{{nationality}}}
Borgaraskapur {{{citizenship}}}
Útbúgving {{{education}}}
Alma mater {{{alma_mater}}}
Hjúnafelagi {{{spouse}}}
Partnari {{{partner}}}
Barn(børn) {{{children}}}
Skyldfólk {{{relations}}}
Tíðarskeið {{{period}}}
Slag {{{genre}}}
Leiklistarlig amboð {{{ploys}}}
Debut verk {{{debut_works}}}
Kendasta(u) verk {{{notable_works}}}
Magnum opus {{{magnum_opus}}}
Samstarvar við {{{collaborator}}}
Heiður {{{awards}}}
Minnisvarðar {{{memorials}}}
Heimasíða {{{website}}}
{{Infobox playwright
| name             = 
| image            = 
| alt              = 
| caption          = 
| native_name      = 
| native_name_lang = 
| birth_name       = 
| birth_date       = <!-- {{Birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} -->
| birth_place      = 
| death_date       = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} -->
| death_place      = 
| resting_place    = 
| resting_place_coordinates = 
| penname          = 
| occupation       = 
| nationality      = 
| citizenship      = 
| education        = 
| alma_mater       = 
| spouse           = 
| partner          = 
| children         = 
| relations        = 
| period           = 
| genre            = 
| ploys            = 
| debut_works      = 
| notable_works    = 
| magnum_opus      = 
| collaborator     = 
| awards           = 
| memorials        = 
| website          = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| module           = 

Separate multiple values by using {{Plainlist}} or {{Flatlist}}.

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