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Frá Wikipedia, hin frælsa alfrøðin

Hvað merkir "fullveldi" á færeysku? Ísland varð fullvalda (e. sovereign) 1. desember 1918 en sjálfstætt (e. independent) lýðveldi (e. republic) 17. júní 1944. --Cessator 11. jan 2010 kl. 18:41 (UTC)[reply]

Ísland er ekki fimmta stærsta eyja í heimi. / Island er ikke verdens 5. største ø. Sjá, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_islands_by_area --Dequeue 8. feb 2010 kl. 23:23 (UTC)[reply]

Ísland heitir ekki Lýðveldið Ísland. Sjá http://www.visindavefur.is/svar.php?id=54970 þar sem segir m.a. orðrétt í bréfi frá forsætisráðuneyti Íslands að orðið lýðveldið "lýsi eingöngu því stjórnarformi sem hér [á Íslandi] ríkir … og teljist því ekki vera hluti af sérnafni ríkisins“. --Cessator 16. jan 2010 kl. 17:28 (UTC)[reply]

Ifølge CIA World Factbook, norsk Wikipedia, Store Norske Leksikon og nettversjonen av leksikonet CAPLEX er det offisielle navnet Lýðveldið Ísland. Niceley 16. jan 2010 kl. 20:17 (UTC)
My source quotes the government of Iceland verbatim and it says that your sources are incorrect. Now as you can see here, this is not a matter or "truth vs. verifiability", but rather this is a matter of contradicting sources, which means you have to evaluate the sources and their credibility, and once you agree that the Icelandic government's ipsissima verba has more credibility on this particular issue than a bunch of reference works, then you've conceded the whole argument. And of course you're going to agree to that, because it would be absurd to think that a couple of websites or reference works have more credibility as sources regarding the official name of the country than the country's own government. I'm changing this back and I expect a conclusive counter argument that addresses this point if you want to change this back. --Cessator 16. jan 2010 kl. 21:18 (UTC)[reply]
When in doubt, look at what en.wikipedia does and look at what is.wikipedia does. Otherwise if a cite realy is needed for the name of Iceland, an official webpage from the .is domain should suffice. It seems most probable that the name is Lýðveldið Ísland, if you think this is incorrect go to the is.wikipedia page and correct it and see what they think. Best regards uackor 17. jan 2010 kl. 00:46 (UTC)[reply]
How can you possibly say that "It seems most probable that the name is Lýðveldið Ísland" when the Icelandic government says that the word "lýðveldið" "merely describes the form of government in Iceland ... and is therefore not a part of the contry's proper name" ("lýsi eingöngu því stjórnarformi sem hér [á Íslandi] ríkir … og teljist því ekki vera hluti af sérnafni ríkisins“)? This is a verbatim quotation. Is it really more probable that the Icelandic government is wrong about the formal name of their own country? That seems to me to be a very strange source critique. --Cessator 17. jan 2010 kl. 23:24 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Cassator, when you say "Icelandic government says" in a discussion you really need to include a cite. But anyway what I meant to say was "It seems most probable that the name is Ísland" :-). br. uackor 19. jan 2010 kl. 09:16 (UTC)[reply]
Fair enough. But the cite is here: http://www.visindavefur.is/svar.php?id=54970 (again) --Cessator 19. jan 2010 kl. 15:20 (UTC)[reply]

Gallup gerði könnun á trú Íslendinga fyrir nokkrum árum og komst að því að um 67% segjast trúa á guð en um 67% af þeim sem segjast trúa á guð segjast trúa á Jesú Krist. Það þýðir að aðeins um 50% Íslendinga eru í raun kristnir. --Cessator 16. jan 2010 kl. 17:28 (UTC)[reply]

Ifølge CIA World Factbook (som jeg bruker som kilde til artikler om land) er 87,2 % registerte kristne og medlemmer i et kristent trosamfunn på Island. Ifølge CAPLEX er 96 % kristne. Vi kan ikke ta hensyn til enkelte undersøkelser som tar for seg den aktive troen på en Gud, men heller dem som er registrert i et trosamfunn. Ellers kan du ta med resultatene av denne undersøkelsen under " Átrúnaður". Niceley 16. jan 2010 kl. 20:12 (UTC)
What does "eru kristnir" mean? Sounds like it is saying that the majority actively believes in god, although a substantial poll undertaken at the request of the Icelandic state church indictaed that only 67% of ICelanders believe in god and only 50% of Icelanders (i.e. 67% of those 67% who claim to believe in God) believe in Jesus. I can't find a link to that poll right now, so I'm letting the matter go. --Cessator 16. jan 2010 kl. 21:18 (UTC)[reply]
Most encyclopediae seem to go for the numbers of affiliates or members in various religious organisations. This is probably rather inadequate for most countries in Western Europe; perhaps less so in the Faroese Islands than in some other places. (I've got a vague impression that the proportion of actual and practising Christian believers is relatively high among the Faroese.) Of course, this text could be modified, but then one should split the item, and give both kinds of number, with good references for the second one. E.g.,
"About .. inhabitants (.. per cent) are members of Christian congregations, of which most (.. people) in the Church of Iceland (or whatever). However, repeated investigations [refs 1, 2, 3...] indicate that in fact .. of these are agnostics."
I notice that this is more or less the manner in which the en:wiki article is written; see en:Iceland#Religion. I think that this is rather sensible for countries where large parts of the population are known to be nominal members of religeous congregations, but actual non-believers, as in most of the Nordic countries.
Cessator, if you write a suggestion of such a text here at this talk page, in Icelandic or in a mixture of Icelandic and Faroese:-), then perhaps we all could try to make better Faroese out of it - especially Quackor, who happens to know the language as a native:-).
By the way, if there are any reliable sources for the amount of people in Iceland who believe or suspect the existence of "heiðin fólk" (such as "huldufólk", or Swedish "skogsrår" or "tomtar"), then this figure could also be worth to mention. According to rumour, such belief might be somewhat more spread on Iceland than in other Nordic countries of to-day; and even sometimes might influence the precise way a new road is built. Is this true? Jörgen B 20. jan 2010 kl. 20:09 (UTC)[reply]
That would be a good way to write about religion in Iceland. There was a rather extensive survey conducted a few years ago by Gallup at the request of the Icelandic state church regarding religious beliefs of Icelanders; the report was for a long time available online but I can't find it anymore, so I guess I have to drop this matter. But the conclusion was that two out of every three said that they believed in a god or a higher being or power and of those who said they believed in a higher power two out of every three said that they believed in Jesus Christ. This means that about 50% of Icelanders are actually Christian.
As for heathens ("heiðið fólk" or "heiðingjar"), all I know is that is:Ásatrúarfélagið has 1395 members as of December 1, 2009, but I don't know how many of them are actual believers. Belief in "huldufólk" (literally "hidden people" i.e. elves) ...well, it exists, but I don't know how widespread it actually is, but regardless of whether or not there are people who actually believe in them, yes it does happen that the precise location of a new road might be influenced by tales of elves. --Cessator 20. jan 2010 kl. 20:50 (UTC)[reply]
Actually I found it! Here is the survey: Trúarlíf Íslendinga (2004). This is the largest survey of its kind regarding religion in Iceland in a long time and should be the basis for writing about religious attitudes in Iceland. --Cessator 20. jan 2010 kl. 20:54 (UTC)[reply]

Here is a suggestion (written in English because, well, it may be of use on the English Wikipedia as well). If anyone would like to translate this into Faroese, please do:

"About 283 thousand inhabitants (89.3 per cent) are members of Christian congregations, of which most (251.331 people or 79,1 per cent) are members of the Church of Iceland. However, according to a 2004 survey Trúarlíf Íslendinga: Viðhorfskönnun (2004), p. 26. only 69.3 per cent claimed to be religious, whereas 19.1 per cent said they were not religious and 11.6 per cent said they were not able to say whether or not they were religious. Of those who said they were religious 76.3 per cent said that they were Christian, whereas 22.4 per cent said that they "believed in their own way" Trúarlíf Íslendinga: Viðhorfskönnun (2004), p. 28. This would indicate that in fact 52.9 per cent of Icelanders are actually Christian despite the membership numbers in Christian congregations.

Moreover, when asked to select a statement that best represented their opinion, 39.4 per cent of Icelanders said they believe in the existence of a benevolent god to whom one can pray, 19.2 per cent said that god must exist or else life would be meaningless, 19.7 per cent said that it is impossible to know whether or not god exists, 26.2 per cent said that no god exists which has not been created by man, 9.4 per cent said that god created the universe and presided over it and 9.7 per cent said that none of the aforementioned statements represented their opinion. Trúarlíf Íslendinga: Viðhorfskönnun (2004), p. 30. --Cessator 20. jan 2010 kl. 21:37 (UTC)[reply]

I was not referring to pagans ("hedningar"), although this is the same word, and of course neopaganism is of some interest as regards Iceland.
I should explain the secondary Faroese use of "heiðin", as it has been explained to me. Since the various elves or gnomes or huldufólk or similar "nature spirits" supposedly were not baptised, they were often referred to as "heathens". This is often a way to refer to nature spirits in kvæði.
Have you planned to add your English text supra to e.g. the article en:Religion in Iceland?Jörgen B 21. jan 2010 kl. 16:25 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, I see. I only understand a little bit of Faroese, being a native speaker of Icelandic, but I can't really say I know the language. I have already added the text above to the article en:Religion in Iceland (see en:Religion_in_Iceland#Modern Iceland). I can translate it into Icelandic, but I'm afraid I cannot translate it into Faroese. Cessator 21. jan 2010 kl. 16:35 (UTC)[reply]

Ef maður fer eftir skoðanakönnunum, t.d. Eurobarometer, þá eru (Eurobarometer 2005) 86% Íslendinga trúaðir, 11% trúlaus og 3% eru óviss. Af þessum 86% sem trúa einhverju eru kristnir Íslendingar í minnihluta. Líklega er 1/3 þjóðarinnar kristinn - afgangur hinna trúuðu eru skv. þessari könnun einhvers konar spíritistar - Jesús kemur ekki við sögu

Tölurnar voru: Trúirðu á guð? 38%. Þessi hópur inniheldur alla kristna og svo þá, sem trúa á guð en ekki Jesúm.

Trúirðu, að til séu æðri máttarvöld, einhver "lífsandi" etc.? 48%

Trúirðu ekki á neitt: 11%.

Veiztu ekki, hverju þú trúir: 3%.

Kristnir Íslendingar eru í minnihluta. Flestir trúa á eitthvað, en hvað það er, er persónubundið og Kristur kemur fremur sjaldan við sögu. Kær kveðja 28. aug 2012 kl. 18:42 (UTC)[reply]